Thursday, April 14, 2016

Rooted by Banning Liebscher

Roots are the source of life for all plants. The roots spread through the earth for nutrients on which to survive. The stronger the roots, the stronger the plant. Remove the roots and the plant will die. Such is a great metaphor for those being rooted in God and Jesus Christ.

In his book Rooted, Liebscher gives three soils where God may plant a person for growth. Those three are:

1. Intimacy
2. Serving
3. Community

These three are requirements for the full development of anyone whom God chooses to develop and a man/woman must understand this so as to not fight back where God's plants them.

I found this book to be a great encouragement  in this phase of my life, with special attention to the first soil: intimacy. This section really focused my thoughts on finding God as He calls to me and how to develop intimacy with him.I recommend this book to just about any Christian who may feel uprooted from God and purpose and suggest they take time to allow the words of this book to penetrate deep.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Multnomah is exchange for my honest review.

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