Monday, March 21, 2011

Scars of a Chef by Rick Tramonto

**Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book or ARC**

I found this book to be a great read. It was very engaging and the reader was easily drawn into the life of Mr. Tramonto. What is also apparent is the passion that being a chef produces in Rick Tramonto. The reader can imagine himself/herself in the kitchen seeing the food being prepared, hearing the sous chef barking out commands, knives cutting, blades chopping, fires simmering soups. Mr. Tramonto does a magnificent job of giving a firsthand account of how hard being a chef really is.

Yet through all this, Mr. Tramonto makes it evident that passion and drive never truly satisfy; Christ does. Through the pages of this book, Tramonto details his rise to fame, his realization that it did not bring what he thought it would, his finding Christ, and now how satisfaction comes from being a child of God.

The raw nature of this book, the passion Tramonto evidences, and the conclusion that God gives true satisfaction, make this book a great read. Cooks, and consumers alike, should have no difficulty devouring this book.

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