I was asked to review this book from Crossway to help get promote it. I was curious about it partly due to Tim Keller writing the forward and partly due its message.
I found the message to be very powerful but not complex. Hansen has done well to show that the church needs to be courageous, compassionate, and commissioned.
However, churches seem to lose sight of the fact that they must be all three. Hansen points this out and shows that Jesus was all three which is why He was received by those who needed Him.
Hansen also shows that churches who strongly favor one attribute often have blind spots that cause issues in their churches and potentially issues with other churches. It was for this reason that Hansen has called the churches to recognize that blinds spots exist and how to address them.
Grab a copy of this little book and see if you can recognize where you are. Also take the quiz (on the right) and see where you rank. I did and it was very telling.While you're at it, checkout the video from the authors https://vimeo.com/125490898
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