Thursday, April 16, 2015

You Can Hear the Voice of God by Steve Sampson

*I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Do you hear God?

Asking a questions like that may get you some strange looks, maybe even causing some to question your sanity. Hearing from God almost seems to take on a mythical connotation for some. Steve Sampson disagrees.

In his book, You Can Hear the Voice of God, Mr. Sampson shares various ways to hear the voice of God. Such ways include: Scripture, the Holy Spirit, other believers, visions, and your conscience.

What I enjoyed about this book was that it was simple to read and understand. It didn't require a theological understanding of God but rather the goal was to develop a personal relationship with God.

The Miralces in You by Mark Victor Hansen

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Worthy Publishing in exchange for my honest review.

Mark Victor Hansen is the co-author of the popular Chicken Soup for the Soul series. The series has sold more than 500 million copies. I should know I have a few of the titles in my library.

In his book, The Miracles in You, Mr. Hansen shares how the dream of writing this popular series came to be. He also states that such dreams are available to just about anyone if he/she is open to seeing the miracles in his/her life.

I found this book to be a great motivator and encouragement. Often people have dreams that seem to never materialize. Perhaps it is because they are missing the miracles in their life and how God is directing them to respond. Mr. Hansen would encourage the reader to be open to the wondrous life God has for him/her and to be to experience miracles.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Only God Can Make a Kitten By Rhonda Gowler Greene, illustrated by Laura J. Bryant

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for my honest review.

I do not normally review children's books but my son recently turned a year old and I wanted to read this title to him.

I found this book to be easy to read, solid pages for long life, and illustrated quite well.

There was not vibrant and annoying colors but soft and easy to focus colors for the illustration. The meter of the words was pleasant and easy to follow.

I also appreciate the message of the words and found that they were a great tool to teach my son about God's creation.

Beyond Orange County by Lydia Mclaughlin

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Worthy Publishing in exchange for my honest review.

Being on TV. Being recognized at the store. Asked to do interviews on TV, radio, and the internet.

Lydia Mclaughlin was on Real Housewives of Orange County: Season 8. In her book, she describes what all she experienced, learned, and why she walked away from it all.

I really enjoy how personal the book was. It is not easy allowing people into your life without exposing your faults and failures.

Mrs. Mclaughlin was very honest about her struggles with life, television fame, and how to honor Christ with her actions.

Her desire to do what God wanted is woven throughout this book and would be a great source of encouragement for those ready her story.

Friday, April 10, 2015

13 Women You Should Never Marry by Mary Colbert

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Worthy Publishing in exchange for my honest review.

Marriage: the final frontier. He he, okay, all kidding aside, marriage is a wonderful thing. It is a gift from God that should be enjoyed and nurtured.

However, that doesn't mean everyone is at a state to be married. While it is true that no one is perfect, there are some who need to resolve some personal issues before getting married.

In her book, Mary Colbert writes to young men about the types of women they should NOT marry. She gives 13 types of women to avoid and gives names like Trophy Tina, Blinded Brenda, and Nervous Nellie to use as examples of traits these women have. From there, Mrs. Colbert, gives examples of young women who avoid the traits of the "do-not-marrys" instead living a life of God-filled femininity.

I really enjoyed this book as wisdom, packed with humor, was given to educate young men and to raise awareness of whom to consider and who to avoid.  As a married man, I found this very helpful and will use it when the time comes for my sons to court a young lady.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

God of the Big Bang by Leslie Wickman

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Worthy Publishing in exchange for my honest review.

Modern sciencists have been trying for many years to prove that God does not exist. By testing various hypothesis and proposing theories, scientists believe that they have arrived to the evidence that God is not needed.

Dr. Leslie Wickman disagrees.

In her book God of the Big Bang, Dr. Wickman lays a foundation of why she knows that God created all that we see and how science is proving more and more that God created all that is.

Dr. Wickman starts with the premise that God created everything and that science should be used to see how His creation works. I agree completely.

I found her book to be very simple and easy to understand. There is not much technicality to wade through which makes this ideal for someone who would like a primer on what scientists are presently discussing and theorizing. However, for those wanting a more in-depth book I would suggest starting with Dr. Wickman's website here.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Daring Mission of William Tyndale by Steven Lawson

*I received this complimentary copy from Reformation Trust in exchange for my honest review.

William Tyndale wanted his fellow Englishmen to be able to read the Bible in their own language. Sadly, to produce such a Bible was illegal and carried the sentence of death.

William Tyndale would not be stopped.

This book is about the history of Tyndale as he first develop a complete New Testament in English and later began to work on the Old Testament.

The book goes into who William Tyndale was, what he believed, and the lengths at which it took to translate a Bible into English.

I found this book to be a great read and very inspirational. How often I forget that my Bible was illegal at one time and that Tyndale gave his life so that I might be able to read my Bible today.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

When a Man Loves a Woman by James Ford Jr.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for my honest review.

This little book gives some great advice for a man on how to love his woman. Using Jacob as an example Mr. Ford gives examples of what Jacob did and then how men can learn from his actions.

Topics include: affirming your wife, expressing your affections for your wife, working for your wife, to name a few. What I really appreicate about all the topics is that there are for all stages of life.

That is what is key. This book is something that can be referenced multiples times for maturing men in their marriages. Whether it is used for a men's study or personal study, either way it will benefit all men who read it.